Living Hero, Living Miracles Needed
We Need A Spare, Kidney 2015
Created By People who Care WNASK
May 2017

Lisa needs a portion of a living liver. WOW Right ? You can donate a portion of your Liver and it grows back with in a few short weeks. So actually you gain LIVING MIRACLE Status. Her insurance covers all . Also there are funds available for time off. 2 to 3 days hospital stay. There is no dialysis for Lisa , she is in stage 4 which is end stage and if by or at any moment she can show cancerous cells and then her status will change to no option. Please reach out and be a Real Hero

Looking for a Lifesaver 1-904-610-3958 1-904-953-2000 Father Husband Friend also Diabetic and needs a Kidney ASAP Roger Matinez DOB

12 years old and what her life evolves around is dialysis and is she going to die

Vet In Need

Jenniene moran Florida

Info at